The Lowdown on Vitamin D

I often say, “Test, don’t guess”.  Having objective markers to correlate with your symptoms is the fastest way to better manage your health.  It can also save you a lot of money taking unnecessary supplements, medications and lost time from work.

Blood testing is one of the most important assessment tools for the identification of functional disorders and for disease prevention.  It's particularly helpful to catch dysfunctions that are easy to correct if...

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There is so much to brag about Mag

Tightness, tension, spasm throughout the body.  These symptoms are often a sign of insufficient magnesium.   Magnesium functions as a “master” electrolyte in this case because it directly controls the pump that allows potassium to flow into the cell (where benefits can actually be experienced).  

Magnesium is a relatively safe supplement to explore but should be done cautiously in those with any degree of kidney dysfunction or disease and always in active...

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