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I hope you find these resources helpful in your healing journey

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Having your best day starts the night before – with good sleep.  In our 21st century, fast-paced and hyper-connected lifestyle, sleep is often devalued to the point of being considered an inconvenience.  For many people, work, family and social obligations have them skimping on sleep. 

Download my guide that has easy and practical things you can start today for a better night's sleep tonight.


How to break up with sugar

Break free from sugar cravings. Maintain higher energy levels throughout the day. Improve your mood and skin.  Follow my easy 5 day process to eliminate sugar without the dreadful side effects!


How to Painlessly Quit Coffee

Coffee (and caffeine) is one of those topics that can frustrate many people.  On the one hand, we hear "coffee is bad" and then, we hear that it has protective benefits. The thing is, if you suffer from digestive issues, allergies, auto-immune issues, stress and/or sex hormone imbalances, it's best to remove coffee for a time while you address additional underlying causes of your symptoms. I explain the science behind this as well as give a framework to quitting coffee without the debilitating side effects.


Bash the Crash

Fatigue is the most common complaint I hear – both from clients in my practice and from friends and family.  They feel like their energy and focus disappear by the mid-afternoon and that they need stimulants (e.g., coffee, sugar, Red Bull, etc.) to keep going.  Yet, we act like it’s normal to be tired … that it’s just a side effect of being busy and having a full life. 

That’s why I created this guide.  I want you to know that if you’re struggling with low energy - which I’m assuming you are, because that’s why you’re here – it ABSOLUTELY CAN change. In the attached guide, I’m sharing three easy strategies to bash your afternoon crash and start feeling GREAT again!


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